Women Wellness
Women are the backbone of the society and home makers are among the most underappreciated and overworked members of the society.  They are at the core of successful husbands,well-rounded children and happy families.They form the foundation of healthy families by the choices they make for their families.  
Their ability to multi-task and juggle home, family and social responsibilities is commendable.Our workshops for women are targeted to.
1.Educate about personal hygiene and wellness
2.Attitude shift to health care for family
3.Empowerment for positive and improved interpersonal relations
4.Gynec Care, Child Care and Contraception
5.Balanced Nutrition While Frugal Living
6.Healthy Cooking
7.Holistic Approach To Menopause
A Happy Successful Family Requires a Strong, Healthy, Happy and Confident Pillar of  Support – An Empowered, Educated, Health Conscious Woman.