40% of job turnover is due to stress. Over 50% of lost workdays are stress related or due to avoidable diseases.
Health-related productivity costs for companies are four times higher than medical and pharmacy costs.
Presentism – Employees present at work but unable to perform at full capacity costs the company much more than absenteeism.    

You know – healthy, energized and motivated employees are drivers of a company’s success and a measure of effective HR practices. 




Does your company suffer from any of this ?

Declining health of upper management and execs?

Low morale among employees

Under performing workers 

Highly stressed execs and employees

Poor attitude and relationships 

Low motivation

High rate of diabetes, hypertension, cardiac diseases, migraine headaches, or asthma

Medico Media is the pioneer in the field of Employee Wellness, occupational Health Trainings & Health Communication for the last 25 years


We have worked with hundreds of companies (corporate, NGO, Govt etc) and lakhs of employees to deliver custom workshops/trainings for shift workers, office staff, executives, women employees and more with tangible results.   


1. Executive health, lifestyle and Stress Management

Key Benefits

People Are Key  Drivers For The Growth Of The Company Typically Working With A Lot Of Stress & Irregular Lifestyle  

This Workshop Will Enable Them To Deal With Stress, Burnout, Work Life Balance And More – Thus Making Them More Effective, Energized & Healthy For Longer


Key Topics

A.What Is Health

B.Fitness & Energy

C.Becoming Smarter Than Stress

D.Relaxation Techniques

E.Nutrition On The Go

F.Chronic Lifestyle Disease Management – Cholesterol, High Bp, Diabetes, Heartburn Etc

G.Work Life Balance 


2. Positive Health Options 

This Is Our Flagship Program Designed For All Levels Of Employees From Management To Staff

Key Benefits

Awareness & Positive Health Management, Positive Attitude, Morale, Improved Energy And Efficiency.  


Key Topics

A.Holistic Health 

B.Fitness In Life & Fitness At Work

C.Self Check Up And Medical Checkup – Balance Self Help & Medical Help

D.Yoga & Pranayama

E.Work Life Balance & Stress Management 


3. Healthy, Happy & Productive Worker’s  Workshop

Key Benefits:  Healthy Workers, Reduced Absenteeism, Reduction In Negative Health Habits, Positive Attitude, Improved Morale And Increased Alertness And Energy


Key Topics

A.Hygiene, Health & Lifestyle

B.Healthy Nutrition

C.Everyday Fitness

D.Stress & Interpersonal Relationship Management

E.Tobacco & Alcohol Cessation Motivation & Tips

F.First Aid and Safety 


4.Healthy Shift Work’ – Foe Employees Working In Changing Shift Timings

Shift Workers Have Unique Health Concerns Directly Impacting Their Work – Social, Mental & Physical.  We Address All These Aspects For Improved Quality Of Shift Work

Key Benefits:  Positive Attitude, Reduced Absenteeism, Reduction In Negative Health Habits, Positive Attitude, Improved Alertness And Efficiency


Key Topics

A.Hygiene, Health & Lifestyle

B.Healthy Nutrition & Shift Work

C.Sleep & Shift Work

D.Family Role & Shift Work

E.Working With Alertness & Energy

F.Prevention & Care Of Lifestyle Diseases 


5. High Energy Work - High Energy Life Workshop

In today’s corporate world, ambition, high stress environments and busy schedules lead to energy drain – physical and mental and is counterproductive to high efficiency.  Today’s corporate workers require is a way to keep their energy levels high, stress levels low and morale high consistently.


Key Benefits:  Employees working with high energy, incorporate good working habits to create and sustain energy, stress release & high energy lifestyle 

Key Topics:

G.Energy & Vitality – Energy Drain, Energy Creators

H.Stress & Relaxation in daily life

I.Healthy Happy Working

J.Work Life Balance

K.High Energy Nutrition


6. Retiring Employees Health Awareness Workshop

Retiring employees are at a vulnerable age when chronic and lifestyle diseases are a major concern.  Health workshops for such employees are a valuable tool for them and their families

Key Benefits:  Attention to health management, conscious positive health choices, creative utilization of time and talents, decreased medical expenses


 Key Topics

A.Health & Aging

B.Special hazards of old age

C.Nutrition, Digestive disorders & Aging

D.Energizing and soothing pranayamas

E.Bone & Joint Disorders

F.Longevity Tips – Diet, Stress Mgmt, Immunity Boosters, Fortify Hormones, Rebuild Bra


7. Complete Woman Seminar For Women Employees

Women have a unique talent for multi tasking. They also have additional responsibilities of managing their homes and families.  This unique program for women empowers them to manage their dual roles effectively while caring for themselves.

Key Benefits:  Improved health and positive health care, Improved Morale, Better Interpersonal Relations, Improved Performance, Better Retention


 Key Topics:

A.Holistic approach to health

B.Fitness For Women

C.Diet, Nutrition & Menu Planning for Self & Family

D.Stress Reduction & Management

E.Easy to Follow Self Care for all ages

F.Positive & Preventive Gynec Care

G.Optimize Mind Body Balance 


8.Complete Woman Seminar For Spouses Of Employees

More often than not, the spouses of the employees are direct influencers of the family health.  This fantastic program for spouses of employees  motivates them for better health practices for the family and has a direct impact on the work-life management of the employees.

Key Benefits:

Improved health attitude, Better Relationship management, Connection to the company,  


Key Topics:

A.Holistic approach to health

B.Fitness For Women

C.Diet, Nutrition & Menu Planning for Self & Family

D.Self care and hygiene

E.Positive & Preventive Gynec Care

F.Positive Relationship Management


9.Pharma Sales Training –Motivation, Work-Life Balance & Healthy       Working

In a fast paced and deadline-focused world of pharmaceutical business, it is critical to effectively represent the products and close the sales.  At the same time it is important for the company to have the MRs be healthy, energetic and full of vitality despite the heavy travel, waiting and irregular timings.  People also need to have high degree motivation for regular and ongoing performance and enjoy their work, including communicating effectively with each other and the doctors.


Key Topics:

A.Stress, Health and Work Efficiency

B.Effective Sales Communication & Time Management

C.Self Health Management – Healthy Eating, Travelling, Fitness & Negative Habits

D.High Energy Working – Create and Sustain High Energy Through the Day


10.Managerial Training –Motivation, Work-life Balance & Healthy        Working

Effective managers need to be energetic, full of vitality, motivating, possess leadership skills and have good interpersonal relationship management skills

They tend to work under high stress and need to balance management expectations and subordinates results effectively for good results. 


Key Topics:

Stress, Health and Work Efficiency

Effective Time Management

Self Health Management – Healthy Eating, Fitness & Negative Habits

High Energy Working – Create and Sustain High Energy Through the Day

Relationship management

Developing positive attitudes 

Effective Communication Strategies 


11. ‘Eat Fit’ - Healthy Cooking & Menu Planning Workshop For Canteen

CANTEEN STAFF  plan for menu and  prepare  food for all employees, they  are the  key  source of health management & food management for company. If  they  know  about  basic  health  facts  about  food and provide healthy food, half  the  battle  is  won. 

Key Benefits:  Healthy and Tasty Food Availability at Canteen and healthy cooking practices -automatic improvement in nutrition and food intake of employees leading to improved health.  


 Key Topics:

A.Live Food Vs Dead Food

B.Calories in Foods

C.Relationship between food and disease

D.Good & Health cooking practices

E.Food Safety – Storage, handling

F.Salt & Sugar in Food

G.Practical demonstration

H.Food Pyramid & Menu Planning 


12. Training Of Trainers – Creating In-House Wellness Trainers

Regular Learning about daily health care & empowerment to live healthy lifestyle can be very useful. Emphasis  shifts from disease management to healthy lifestyle choices,  proper self care and medical care.   Creating in-house trainers is an effective and cost effective way to promote health and wellness in the organization in a sustained & regular manner.  

Key Benefits:  In-house resource creation, Regular short programs motivate and power employees and create a culture of wellness .


Key Topics: 

E.Total Health and Wellness Perspective 

F.Mind Body Balance


H.Promoting healthy food habits

I.Cleanliness and hygiene

J.Balancing self care and medical care

K.Emotional wellness

I.(Other topics as per the requirements)


15.Building Positive Work Culture

Empowered to manage work, personal life better and reach their true potential for self & organization as whole .Motivated, passionate and energized Employees. Performance improvement via soft skills.


Key Topics:

A.Holistic approach to health


C.Positive Thinking – Positive Life

D.Improving EQ

E.Professional Development Salient Features:

A.Contents & Communication Strategies Designed Keeping  Cultural, Economical , Social &                    Spiritual nuances In Mind. 

B.All Topics & Contents Created To Match Needs At The centers 

C.Empower & Train Wellness Leaders To Take 10- 12 Sessions Of  30  Minutes on different                     subjects.

D.Training Manual Will Be Created For Trainers To Follow

E.Training Slides Will Be Created With Lots Of Videos Embedded 


16.Women Empowerment -  Self Esteem, Safety & Positive Lifestyle                    Workshop

A  woman  plays  a  pivotal  role  in  the  health  of  her  family.  She  maintains  a  very  significant  all  embracing  function  as  wife,  mother,  caretaker,  helpmate  and  more  than  often  contributes  to the  family  income.  

Nature  has  bestowed women with  specific  biological  make-up,  mind  and   emotions  to  fulfill  these  multiple  roles.  

It  is  against  this  back  drop  that  the  modern  woman must  know  her  strengths, recognize her own self worth and understand her importance

THE  COMPLETE  WOMAN  seminar aims  to  fulfill  these  needs  &  helps  women  to  develop  a  new  attitude  to  health,  beauty  &  life  itself



Attitude shift to self with respect to family, work and society

Positive thinking

Understand importance of self

Learn about self defense

Key Topics:

Introduction and fundamentals of Self Defense for Women

Practical session with Martial Arts Expert on Self Defense

Establishing woman's self worth, strength and self respect to live life fully

Recognizing the power of Woman’s Role in Family and Society

Developing Self Esteem & Confidence

Living fearlessly

Power of Positivity


17.Gender Awareness & Gender SensitizationForMale & Female Employees

Taking first step in recognizing women’s significant role& sensitize men & women about gender issues This one day training program is designed to understand the framework of gender analysis by using various tools of participatory methodology to :

-To sensitize participants to gender issues

-To sensitize participants to women’s multiple roles

-To introduce them to gender analysis

-To provide participants with a better understanding of the attitudes of men and women.

-To examine notions of the nature, origin, extent and effects of gender.

-Security & Safety Of Women Everywhere & All The Time

The program is designed in a very flexible manner and some group exercises will also be done. A pre-training questionnaire will be given to know the participants’ attitude towards gender issues

Key Topics:

·What Is Gender Awareness? A Men &Women’s Perspective

·Social Stereotyping – Culture, Nature &Nurture

·Roles Assigned To Men And Women .

·Socially Defined Roles And Characteristics Of Men And Women.

·Socio-Economic Variable, Responsibilities, Constraints, Opportunities And Needs Of Men And          Women.

·Awareness Of Men And Women’s Workloads & Examine The Multiple Roles Of Women

oProductive Work

oReproductive Work

oFamily &Community Work

·Importance Of Empowerment For Women.

·Facets Of Women Empowerment

·Developing Self Esteem, Self Confidence And Assertiveness For Women

·Important Role Of Different People In Gender Sensitization


18.  “Holistic Approach To Menopause” For 45+ Women

Would You Like To

See Yourself In A Whole New Light Through Enriched Self-Knowledge & Maximize Your Potential For Your New Mature Life

Workshop Is About
Discovering The True Nature Of Menopause
Ease Struggles And Difficulties & Live Life Full Of Health, Vitality & Zest


This Workshop Is Designed

·For women who are experiencing or approaching their Menopause, or who are just curious  about it &  of coarse All women welcome.

·This is not a medical-model workshop.  It will not be about how to dread our “symptoms” or  make them go away.

·It will offer participants an in depth, empowering and perhaps surprising new perspective that  will  make sense of all the things menopause might bring, especially those that worry many    women (e.g.  hot flushes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, memory loss, etc)

·You will learn tools and practical strategies about how to respond to the changes in body, mind  & life  itself.  It Is About Awareness Of Going Through Menopause Consciously.


Key Topics:

·Discussion  on  Holistic Approach To Menopause

·Happy & Satisfying Life –  Connecting & Relating With Family, Friends & Colleagues

·Remaining FIT, FULL OF ENERGY  is not only matter of choice but necessity

·Special Exercises For 45+ Women

·Menopause – Care & Lifestyle Management

·Build strong bones

·Imp. of Self breast examination / Mammography / PAP Smear Etc. For Women

·Health Care PracticesFor Special Concerns – Q- A & Video Demo

·Balancing Medical Care & Self Care

·Food  and  you – Healthy  eating  with  food  pyramid.                                             

·The  food  equation  eating  for pleasure  and  health.